On Mon, 29 Jan 2007 21:12:22 +0200, Alan McKinnon wrote:

> I don't trust my memory either so I looked it up. The most recent copy 
> of FHS I have is 2.2:
> "The /tmp directory must be made available for programs that require 
> temporary files. 
> "Programs must not assume that any files or directories in /tmp are 
> preserved between invocations of the program."
> It says nothing about reboots, that is a common mis-interpretation of 
> the standard.


> Why not just keep it as /var/tmp? Defined as:
> "The /var/tmp directory is made available for programs that require 
> temporary files or directories that are preserved between system 
> reboots. Therefore, data stored in /var/tmp is more persistent than 
> data in /tmp.

So it does say that /tmp can't be relied upon to survive reboots, but
not in the definition of /tmp :(

AIUI FHS is for binary distros, so doesn't apply to Gentoo anyway.

> Portage shouldn't even begin to start thinking about belonging 
> in /usr :-). That's why I have:
> nazgul ~ # cat /etc/make.conf | grep PORTDIR
> PORTDIR="/var/portage"

Or mount /usr/portage on its own filesystem. I have it mounted on a
sparse file as per

Neil Bothwick

"A hundred years of forgetting and it all comes rushing back..."

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