On Tuesday 30 January 2007 16:06, Uwe Thiem wrote:
> On 30 January 2007 15:52, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> > On Tuesday 30 January 2007 15:22, Bo Ørsted Andresen wrote:
> > > Anyway if you know
> > > how to do that you certainly know how to avoid that /tmp gets
> > > wiped during reboot too (which it doesn't unless you make it so).
> > > And OOo only takes 5½ hours to compile.. :p
> >
> > Hah, so my machine isn't so bad. 4 hours 57 minutes 34 seconds with
> > everything enabled except linguas (english only) and dev stuff.
> >
> > 4 hours 2 seconds with gnome, kde and all other fluff out of USE.
> > It's enough to make a fellow wanna consider openoffice-bin...
> What are the specs of your box?

Dell Latitude D810
2GHz Centrino
2GB Ram

But, OOo is a well known resource hog that really stresses a machine when 
compiling, so I don't think it makes a useful measure of anything. And KDE-meta 
isn't much better these days either. Yesterdays sync brought in 3.5.6 and 3 or 
4 other bits and pieces, which I started at 1am this morning. It's just 
finished now at 1pm - 12 hours!

But having said that, I've noticed that this kernel gives really slow disk IO 
which I haven't managed to track down. It feels less than half the speed I got 
on 2.6.18.*, and my three year old desktop with a similar world runs 'emerge 
-avuNDt world' twice as quick.

I'm almost ready to give up on .19 and go back to .18 till .20 comes out.


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