Due to this issue, Why someone have to upgrade his kernel from .18 to .19, there are IMPORTANT reazon to do that? I'm not computer professional, Gentoo is just a hobby for me, as well as my desktop and laptop computer and also Gentoo never stop to works without a clear reason as done by WINDOW$, I never saw a blue screen mean while I'm working in Gentoo, so I stopped to use WINDOWS last 2004, but the questions is:

Why and when to UPGRADE the kernel?

I stopped at 2.6.18-gentoo-r2, because each change means some things out of control, but each time there is somthing new to learn.

Fortunatelly we have a very good documentation on line an also good friends in this kind of mailing list to solve any trouble.
Any comments?



Joe Menola wrote:

In the interest of confusion...the .19 kernel sees all hdd's as /dev/sdx including ide.

That is totally untrue . :( All of my machines are using kernel 2.6.19 and they all see the hard disks as /dev/hdx apart from the one that is actually using SATA.


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