On 13 February 2007 19:33, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On Tuesday 13 February 2007, Grant Edwards wrote:
> > I'd like to apologize for the attitude in this posting.  I've
> > been using Gentoo for over a year and I've always been
> > extremely frustrated with the Gentoo bug search facility. I
> > never realized that the search on the main bugs.gentoo.org page
> > only searched for open bugs.  I guess everybody else was just
> > born knowing that and I missed out on the Gentoo bug search
> > gene somehow.
> So thaaaaaaaaat's why I also keep getting such sparse search results
> when I go looking for stuff on bgo. Hmmmmmm........
> We have two explanations:
> 1. Grant and Alan are both as thick as two short planks

The meme (*not* gene) of having to select something different than the default 
for getting a complete report has been around for quite some time. 
Unfortunately, there hadn't been any evolutionary selection for it until very 
recently. Thus it hadn't time to spread to southern Africa despite modern 
communication technology. Actually, it hasn't even penetrated the US fully as 
Grant stands as an example.

> 2. bgo's ui is non-intuitive

An intuitive UI is an oxymoron. There are good UIs and bad ones. UIs that 
default to reasonable options and ones that don't. Consistent ones and 
others. UIs that take user experiences into account and those that don't. UIs 
that try to take the user's POV seriously and those that insist that the 
programmers POV is all there is. That said, I have never ever seen any 
intuitive UI. ;-)

(a GUI programmer)

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