On Tue, 2007-02-27 at 14:21 +0100, Kristian Poul Herkild wrote:

> Beagle is not supposed to use an awful lot of CPU-time, except for rare
> peaks. If it uses a lot of CPU-cycles for more than a few seconds it's a
> bug - most likely in a plug-in. Especially the SVG plug-in tends to have
> issues.

Well it started to get really annoying when I added my
ebook/documentation directory to the scanned dirs (it's an nfs share
with PDFs), that made the beagled-helper thingy go berzerk on my poor
old processor. Maybe that is an nfs thing, or the PDFs were nasty.
Having it scan just my home dir was OK most of the time, I admit. But
the Documentation/Ebook indexing was pretty much the only reason I was
looking into beagle in the first place ;)

> The memory consumption is however quite high.

Yeah that was another thing bugging me, having some merge running in the
background and beagle kicking in made this thing crawl :(

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   Occam's Razor: 
       -"Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem."-

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