On Sat, 2007-03-31 at 08:49 -0400, Colleen Beamer wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm having a problem.
>  and then, the laptop shuts off on me.

It does sound like an overheating thing, as already mentioned,
especially since you had overheating problems before.

Can you confirm that _all_ fans are working?  I thought I only had 2
fans, but there are actually 3, so watch out for hidden ones!  Also, you
could use the dell kernel module (i8k) to force your fans to full speed
and see if that helps.  Finally on the heating side, try taking it apart
(if you're happy with that - you break it you keep the pieces :) and
cleaning out all the dust / dirt from the fins.

Another possibility is your memory - maybe its going flaky?  This is a
common compile problem that gives varied results (lockups, panics,
halts, etc).  Try different ram if you have it, or only half your ram at
a time if you have 2 sticks.  You could also try the memtest bootable

Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

One small step for man, one giant stumble for mankind.

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