On 2007-04-05, Tony Stohne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Grant Edwards said the following on 2007-04-05 16:45:
>| ...
>| My point was why default to something that isn't useful for the
>| standard terminal emulators like xterm, aterm, rxvt, etc.  Are
>| there common terminal emulators that default to a black
>| background?
> You always have the options of changing the colors in xterm/rxvt/aterm
> etc to your preferred colors, background color included.

That will change the colors that are used by 'ls' without
breaking other programs that use color?

> The first one is changing the /usr/share/X11/rgb.txt file. The
> problem with changing it is that it usually gets overwritten
> with every xorg-x11 update.
> I prefer changing the .Xdefaults file in my user & root
> directories. That way any updates don't screw up my
> preferences.
> To see my current .Xdefaults, please look at the attached file
> - I have dropped Eterm & aterm. Rxvt is very resource
> efficient :) I use xterm as a fallback.

I used rxvt for many years until cut/paste stopped working for
me a couple years back.

> This should provide you with enough info on setting your preferred
> colors. Getting a black (or any other color) background is not that
> difficult,

But I don't _want_ a black background.  I want a white
background and a black foreground.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  YOW!!! I am having
                                  at               fun!!!

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