On Sat, 7 Apr 2007 22:55:53 -0600 Brad Camroux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I've been trying to get WindowMaker working on my Gentoo box, so far
> without success.  It's very difficult to find anything on Google
> et. al., too about getting things working.  Today I managed to find
> the wmaker.inst program to install WindowMaker for the current user,
> but when I try to login and load WindowMaker, it just goes back to
> my kdm screen.  I've been using Fluxbox in the meantime, and really
> don't want to just give up and go back to KDE.  I want to use
> a nice, lightweight window manager.
> Does anyone have any ideas about configuring WindowMaker to work on
> Gentoo?  I know lots of people have done it, but nobody seems to
> write a detailed account of how.
> Thanks,
> Brad

[Do not use 'reply' when you are posting a new message, please.]

No extra configuring is needed to run WindowMaker. Just to choose
'GNUStep WindowMaker' session in your display manager (kdm, gdm) and

It seem that in your case wmaker is crashing or so. Try to remove
GNUstep directory from your home. If it does not help, look into the
file ~/.xsession-errors if there is some error.


Robert Cernansky

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