Dale wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a question about this one.  I noticed a good while back that
> when I try to save a image with Seamonkey, it takes a lot longer than
> it used too.  I save them this way, right click on the image then
> click save image as and in the pop up I click save.  After hitting the
> save button, it takes several seconds, 5 or so, to save a image to
> disk.  I always make sure the image is completely loaded since I am on
> dial-up.  It used to do this really fast and I'm not sure what could
> be causing this.  It also makes my CPU go to about 80% or so. 
> This is some info about my system.  AMD 2500+ with 1Gb of ram.  I have
> a two IDE UDMA drives on this rig.  More info:
> << SNIP >>
> Open to ideas because this is annoying as heck.  Images size doesn't
> seem to matter either.  Big or large, it takes longer.
> Thanks much.
> Dale
> :-)  :-)

I been digging around and sort of came up with a idea.  I have a LOT of
pictures on this partition.  I have pics I have took with my digital
camera and some I have got off the net.  I have about 38,000 of them.  I
am using reiserfs on this and was wondering if that could be some of the
problem?  Too many files or something like that?

I also checked to see how fragmented the partition is with a script that
I found on the forums a while back.  It reports this:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] / # /root/fragck.pl /data/
> 1.25789432648075% non contiguous files, 1.02978402682122 average
> fragments.

Doesn't look to bad but maybe someone has a better tool too. 

Any ideas?  Is it Seamonkey or something else?

Thanks for any help.


:-)  :-)

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