On 7/18/07, Dale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 instead of two emerge --emptytree it would be faster to just nuke the

 I agree.  Just back up /etc, make a copy of your world file and any other
config files you may need and start from scratch.  At least then you KNOW
for sure where you started from and that something didn't get missed

 Oh, don't forget /home either.

I was just going to reply about that when you remind me I can keep the
world file, and all the portage configs...

Maybe I'll start from scratch then, copy the configs back and start an
"emerge -uDN world" to get it all back, I guess this will save me some
time, as I have all the tarballs from this two years at a network
storage  using NTFS.

Daniel da Veiga
Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
Version: 3.1
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