> In this particular case I want to use a machine with arc=amd64
> as a nfs server and share its tree with several x86 machines.

I ran a similar NFS setup couple years back when breaking my teeth with
Gentoo. Had intermittent problems with the NFS locks, and speed was slow
too, so gave up. Though, it might've been just me and my poor NFS setup
"skills", or some settings in my kernel. From other people's comments
and links I noticed they now have some helpful scripts. Wish I had seen
them earlier or been able to type out some of my own. :)

I switched the server over to providing local Gentoo rsync mirroring for
the LAN instead:


I combine this with Squid (proxy) and a few gigs of proxy disk cache on
the server end to have the server perform as a complete buffer/cache
between my LAN boxen and the external Interweb world. And it doubles as
the proxy for "regular" browsing, too.


arttu v.
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