My new machine is working well & I'm starting to install the system.
So far, there are  2  things I would value advice on.

(1) The mobo (ASUS P5K-VM) manual has as default 'Configure SATA as IDE',
which I have left as is.  However, while the System Rescue CD finds the HDD
as '/dev/sda', neither the Gentoo Live CD nor Knoppix sees it:
should I change the mobo setting (the HDD is SATA) ?

(2) I've been using a  2 GB  USB memory stick to transfer material
from my present machine to the new one.  The space taken up on the stick
is much larger than that shown by 'df' or 'du' on either HDD :
is there some inefficiency in how data is written to a USB stick ?
is there some way of making it as efficient as an HDD ?
I've been using the command 'cp -a', which is slow but usually safe.

BTW I'm amazed that System Rescue doesn't seem to know re 'pppoe'.
I hope to install Gentoo from the copied files w/o using the I/net.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,  Philip Webb : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto
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