071020 b.n. wrote:
> Philip Webb ha scritto:
>> Anyone have a suggestion why using 'cp -a' to copy a lot of subdirs
>> takes additional space on the USB stick (over the HDD space used) ?
>> It doesn't happen when copying a straight set of files.
>> It won't affect today's installation job,
>> but wb useful for the future, if there's some way of avoiding it.
> I've seen similar effects on my fat32 USB sticks.
> What filesystem do you use on them?

Another responder mentioned block sizes.  Yes, that mb the problem.
I'm new to USB sticks & haven't formatted them in any way:
they seem to have an existing file system on them,
but mb it's Fat32, which seems likely to be inefficient.
So are there any standard recommendations for formatting them ?
Do I simply do 'mke2fs' (the HDDs are formatted with ReiserFS) ?
How about block size ?  Thanks for the replies so far.

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