On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 00:50 +0100, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> > I've got my new box booting correctly
> > & am  c 30 %  thro' re-merging all the pkgs listed by 'emerge -ep
> > system', some of which were installed from Stage 3, but now have
> later
> > versions. I never fall for 'emerge world' or 'emerge system':
> You don't trust emerge system, but you are 30% through emerge system?
> > there are far too many tales of woe on this list due to such trust
> Bad news travels, good news stays put. Think how noisy this list would
> gt
> if everyone posted every time they had a successful emerge!

Success.  Actually on one of my boxes I have a cron job that runs once a
month that effectively does an 'emerge -e world'.  And usually I have 2
or 3 out of 700+ packages fail (usually because /usr/src/linux isn't
pointing to the current kernel or once in a while avidemux will fail
(it's hard masked anyway).

But as always YMMV.

Albert W. Hopkins

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