Am Dienstag, 6. November 2007 schrieb Eric S. Johansson:
> Albert Hopkins wrote:
> > On Mon, 2007-11-05 at 17:29 +0000, James wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> I do not read as much as I should, but, I stumbled across this page [1]
> >> that suggests that EVMS is dead. I see it is in portage, but is it
> >> slated for the trash, as time moves forward? Sure it's Ubuntu site, but
> >> they claim EVMS is unmaintained, if you read further down the page.
> >>
> >>From
> >
> > "The current stable version of EVMS is 2.5.5. It was released on
> > February 26, 2006."
> >
> > That's 3 months shy of 2 years.  Also read the following thread from
> > their -dev ML:
> >
> >
> given that I frequently play the role of the heretic (complete with burn
> scars all over my body and various bits of damage from the weapons of true
> believers) I think it's a good thing that EVMS is slated for the trash
> heap.  It's a classic example of "second system syndrome" as defined by
> "the mythical Man month".

Errh, what?

> It's overly complicated, poorly documented, and 
> has a terrible user interface that only a geek would even consider using.

What's wrong with the excelent user guide on the project's site? Which of the 
three UIs exactly do you think is horrible?



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