Eric S. Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dirk Heinrichs wrote:
>>> heap.  It's a classic example of "second system syndrome" as defined by
>>> "the mythical Man month".
>> Errh, what?
> rtfb  it was published in 1972, is still in print and the first five
> chapters
> are as relevant today as they were when it was first published.  It
> explains why
> software projects fail.  I think it's pretty sad when failings in an
> industry recognized 35 years ago are still happening today.
> Brooks says write one system to throw away because you are going to
> anyway.  The first time you implement, you don't understand the problem
> and you frequently
> leave out functionality or implement things in a clumsy or incorrect way. 
> This next implementation you, in theory, understand the problem and can do
> a better job which leads us to...
> second system syndrome.  when you implement a system for the second time
> you think you have the problem fully understood, add lots of features and
> capabilities and end up with a disaster on your hands because you over
> estimated your capabilities.
> which is really Fred Brooks's way of saying write two system to throw away
> because you're going to anyway.
> a great example of this is Microsoft.  They rarely get anything right
> until the
> third version (implementation).  Other examples are easily found if you
> just look.
>>> It's overly complicated, poorly documented, and
>>> has a terrible user interface that only a geek would even consider
>>> using.
>> What's wrong with the excelent user guide on the project's site? Which of
>> the three UIs exactly do you think is horrible?
> could never get the containers nesting right.

What "container nesting"? Oh, you're talking about EVMS? I too never
got the hang of it. I'm perfectly fine with using plain LVM.

> If the instructions on how 
> to use an LVM can't be explained on a postcard, you don't understand how
> to communicate

pvcreate /dev/hda
vgcreate data /dev/hda
lvcreate -L42g data
mkfs /dev/data/lvol0

What's so hard about that? Does that fit on a postcard?

pvcreate /dev/hda: Intialize the device as a physical volume (pv),
so that it can be used by LVM. One time job.
vgcreate data /dev/hda: Create a container called "data" which will
hold the different sub-containers. The "data" container is made up
of the /dev/hda physical volume.
lvcreate -L42g data: Create a logical volume (lv) on the "data"
volume group (vg). It's sized "42g" (42GiB).
mkfs /dev/data/lvol0: Create a file system on the newly created lv.

> with your users or the implementation is really off.

Nope. Some things simply *ARE* complicated.

Alexander Skwar

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