Uwe Thiem wrote:
Too big a thing for A. There is a reason why it doesn't have its own portage tree. ;-)


You could also loopback mount a file just for portage, which shrinks the needed space down considerably. I use reiserfs with tail packing to fit the whole tree onto a 260 megabyte file.

On a test directory in an ext3 partition..
du -h portagetest
561M    portagetest

Actual portage setup...

df -h
/root/portage.img     260M  248M   13M  96% /usr/portage

ls -lha /root/portage.img
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 260M 2007-11-09 20:03 /root/portage.img

/etc/fstab entry...
/root/portage.img       /usr/portage  auto  loop,noatime,nodev   0  2

Down to almost half is pretty darn good in my book. Of course, packages and distfiles are kept elsewhere. All my systems are different chosts, so no sharing packages; and I use http-replicator, so no need for distfiles saved on every machine.

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