On Jan 13, 2008 10:03 AM, Pongracz Istvan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2008. 01. 13, vasárnap keltezéssel 17.46-kor Ken Gypen ezt írta:
> ........
> > I agree that Gentoo shouldn't become an Ubuntu like distro, but the
> > minimal install cd is, at least for me, a requirement.
> >
> ...........
> > Regards,
> >
> > Ken
> >
> After reading lot of posts regarding install cd, I decided, I will
> create livecd for install purposes, with:
> - handbook
> - fresh stage3 for i686
> - portage snapshot
> I will try to keep it up-to-date.
> Anyway, I'm not a dev member, just a user with motivation to do this.
> Are anybody interesting in this kind of release?
> Cheers, István

   As a stupid user type, but one who does care about Gentoo and would
like Gentoo to be strong and healthy, I'd certainly be interested in a
very minimal install CD. I think it's good marketing that someone who
wishes to use Gentoo can download something that writes Gentoo on his
screen while he does the installation.

   All I personally want out of an install CD is something that:

1) Boots new hardware well enough to do the install. The current
LiveCD doesn't boot a P5E motherboard so I couldn't do the install on
that machine using it.

2) Has networking turned on for whatever my NIC is and makes it easy
to start sshd.

   At that point I'll sit on another machine and copy/paste install
commands to do a Stage 3 install.

   I wouldn't use a tarball on this CD. I'd go to the net to get the
latest and greatest. It just needs a good kernel and networking
support. After that it's up to me.

   This install CD, should you do it and I hope you do, should be
focused at supporting new motherboards as soon as possible to ensure I
can always install Gentoo on the newest machines. As far as I'm
concerned, and this is just me the dumb user type, it doesn't need X,
frame buffers, sound or *anything* fancy. Just boot to a text console
and let me do my work. That would be perfect.

   Thanks for listening.

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