2008. 01. 13, vasárnap keltezéssel 17.46-kor Ken Gypen ezt írta:
> I agree that Gentoo shouldn't become an Ubuntu like distro, but the
> minimal install cd is, at least for me, a requirement.
> Regards,
> Ken

After reading lot of posts regarding install cd, I decided, I will
create livecd for install purposes, with:
- handbook 
- fresh stage3 for i686
- portage snapshot

I will try to keep it up-to-date.

Anyway, I'm not a dev member, just a user with motivation to do this.
Are anybody interesting in this kind of release?

Cheers, István

eGroupWare, gLiveCD, gentoo és barátai
„A humor a méltóság támasza, fölényünket hirdeti 
mindazzal szemben, amit a sors ránk mér.” 
(Romain Gary)

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