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Grant wrote:
>>>>> I still can't send mail though, with or without
>>>>> authentication. I get this when port scanning with nmap:
>>>>> 25/tcp   filtered smtp
>>>>> Does that mean my host is blocking the smtp port?
>>>> It's possible.  Or, perhaps you're behind a firewall without
>>>> that port open?
>>> My local network firewall here?  All outgoing connections on
>>> this firewall are accepted.
>>>> Many ISPs do block 25.  send me an IP if you want me to map
>>>> from here. Otherwise, I'm sure if it looks closed, and you
>>>> have it open on your end, it's got to be an ISP blockage.
>>> When I nmap my remote server I get these filtered results:
>>> 25/tcp   filtered smtp 130/tcp  filtered cisco-fna 131/tcp
>>> filtered cisco-tna 132/tcp  filtered cisco-sys 133/tcp
>>> filtered statsrv 134/tcp  filtered ingres-net 135/tcp  filtered
>>> msrpc 136/tcp  filtered profile 137/tcp  filtered netbios-ns
>>> 138/tcp  filtered netbios-dgm 139/tcp  filtered netbios-ssn
>>> 445/tcp  filtered microsoft-ds 3128/tcp filtered squid-http
>>> 4444/tcp filtered krb524 6881/tcp filtered bittorent-tracker
>>> 6969/tcp filtered acmsoda
>>> So that all must be filtered by my ISP (Cox)?
> I'm thinking I may not have explained this properly.  My local ISP
> is Cox and I get the above list of filtered ports when port
> scanning my remote machine which is hosted halfway across the
> country.  Cox can't prevent me from scanning the SMTP port on my
> remote machine right?  My host must be filtering the ports?
> - Grant
Can you please ssh to your box and run an nmap from your box
(locally)?  This will answer if smtp and imap are running and if they
are being filtered by your isp.  I'm not sure if someone mentioned
before but imap might not be configured to listen on anything besides  I wouldn't be surprised if Cox filters 25, but nmapping
locally will shed some light on it.

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