On Mon, Feb 11, 2008 at 08:54:06AM -0600, Dan Farrell wrote:
> Either is good; however you are going to need a different MX host for
> your mail I'm afraid.  Since hosts can't connect to 25 they can't send
> mail directly to you.  COX probably has provided an outgoing relay
> host, but didn't expect their customers to be receiving their own mail.
> jerks.  

Well, technically, if COX's service is anything like
CableVision/Optimum Online's, the small print in the TOS usually does
specify that you are not allowed to run servers on their residential
network (for which the ports are filtered [OTOH, if you are on a
business network, you should sue their ass for not delivering promised

I know that there might be a technical/legal gray area as to whether a
torrent tracker constitutes a server, but I am pretty sure that doing
your own Mail would require having an SMTP server, explicitly
disallowed by the TOS. 

I've been waiting and waiting and waiting forever for DSL to come to
my neighborhood just so that I can switch to a decent provider and rid
myself of this nonsense.
Willie W. Wong                          
408 Fine Hall,  Department of Mathematics,  Princeton University,  Princeton
A mathematician's reputation rests on the number of bad proofs he has given.
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