Steven Lembark wrote:

> Basically, this is not intended to be used to shutdown a puter on a
> regular basis, unless you burn out P/S's on a daily basis.  O-o
> Just didn't want someone to be using this on a regular basis and then
> wondering why their system has a new nickname, FUBAR.  :'(

In most cases you'll find that 'shutdown -h now'
takes only a few seconds. If you're typing againsed
the clock and don't to it every day then the SysReq
tecnhique is somewhat error prone.

In most cases the stuff that can't handle a
crash tends to live at higher runlevels anyway
and gets stopped when you exit rl 3; stuff that
gets started at boot time are more likely
service daemons that can easily handle a reset.
Even if your shutdown croaks halfway through
the stuff, chances are that got shut down first
was the most fragile anyway (e.g., databases
that had to flush cache) and you got whatever
you could cleaned up however fast you could do
it and you live with the rest on restart.

Well, this one takes longer. Just the foldingathome takes about 20 seconds or more to shutdown. It can take over 60 seconds at times. That service for some reason has to completely shutdown before the others start to shutdown. The others will shutdown in parallel like I have set up. Then there is all the other services that have to stop. Quite literally, I only had seconds to shutdown since the P/S was stinking like a skunk. I just needed to umnount the file systems and power off as fast as possible. I didn't want to just pull the plug but I needed a shutdown that fast.


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