On Sat, 10 May 2008 16:43:41 +0100
Mick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The OP has inadvertently given us some valuable feedback, which
> stands on its own and is irrelevant with the fact that he (like many
> other non-gentoo users) had mistaken Gentoo for
> yet-another-binary-distro.  Having a user friendly website that also
> caters to the needs of newcomers to the Gentoo scene, requires that
> the key features and benefits of Gentoo are easily
> visible/accessible.  Not many people will navigate to hidden
> Statistics pages to draw their own conclusions.  These could be users
> that one day prove valuable contributors.  I suggest that we spring
> clean the website and consider our new visitors needs at the same
> time (plus things like the much asked for Documentation search
> field?).  ;-)
> Just my 2c's.

Yep, gentoo.org really seems to have been created from devs and users
for devs and users. There is nothing like a "Features" page or "Why to
choose Gentoo" for newcomers. Heck, you have to search hard to even
learn whether it is suitable for desktops or servers! Just compare
ubuntu.com with gentoo.org, for example. The difference is striking.

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