On Tue, 13 May 2008 10:06:39 -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:

>   I think you should, as long as nothing system-critical is listed, and
> >  emerge shouts loudly about removing those.
> >  
> On a long list of packages to be cleaned I find it comforting to use
> emerge -C package1 package2 package3
> and watch closely so that nothing system oriented gets taken out.

That's how I do it too. I pick out the packages I'm sure I don't want and
unmerge those, then emerge --depclean -p again, rinse and repeat. You can
run emerge -uavDN world in between steps, but don't try running
revdep-rebuild until you have cleaned out everything you want to.

Neil Bothwick

Documentation: (n.) a novel sold with software, designed to entertain the
               operator during episodes of bugs or glitches.

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