On Wed, 18 Jun 2008 18:41:12 +0100
Matt Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Some of you may remember my problems with lvm after an update in 
> http://www.archivum.info/gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org/2008-04/msg00899.html
> I'm now headed back towards the same situation. I have a load of
> updates to do according to emerge -DNavu world but I've had to mask
> all upgraded versions of udev, mdadm and lvm as every time I upgrade
> them, it breaks my disk access.
> Whenever I upgrade these packages (I'm not which one of those 3 is
> actually to blame, and I don't want to chance it) I can no longer
> access the lvm volumes on my disks. I have no idea what is causing it.
> This means I cannot do a world update as those manually masked
> packages are blocking a lot of other packages. 
> A few months on, is anyone able to shed light on why updating any of
> those 3 packages causes my system to be unbootable and my data to be
> inaccessible?
> I would really like to keep my system up to date, but as you can
> understand, I'm loathe to make changes that will give me a borked
> system yet again.
> Grateful for advice anyone can give as my system is now getting quite
> out of date.
> Thanks
> Matt Harrison

Which versions are you using, to which shall they be updated and on
which arch are you? Knowing emerge --info and your profile might also

By the way: Did you report it as a bug? If not, I would certainly do so
if I were you.

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