On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 07:33:11AM +0200, Dirk Heinrichs wrote:
> Well, then upgrade to BL2! And upgrade all the other packages as well. You 
> only have to keep in mind to tell the initscripts that your RAID and LVM 
> devices need to be activated, too.

Isn't BL2 masked ~arch? I think it was when I originally ran into this problem.
Doesn't that mean that my system will upgrade stable packages that MUST be run
using a package that I have to unmask?

That sounds a little like a bug if I'm brutally honest. If this is the case I
would have at least liked an annoucement or something.

On the other hand, I don't think this is case as I've installed a test system
copying my setup as closely as possible, and it isn't having the same problems.
There must be something particular to the setup on that machine that is causing
this but I don't have the knowledge to tell what, and until I can pin it down
I'm not going to submit a bug report as it would be unreproducable. 

I'll look into BL2 and practice upgrading it, if I can satisfy myself that I can
get it working ok I'll consider it for the production machine.



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