On Wed, 02 Jul 2008 09:48:22 -0500, Albert Hopkins wrote:

> None of the madwifi-ng ebuilds in my portage tree have an svn source.
> I'd be surprised if they did because the Gentoo devs generally
> discourage subversion/cvs/etc. ebuilds.

It's in an overlay, the portage ebuilds don't support my card. although
there are ebuilds in portage that use svn/cvs, like MythTV.

> Also lots of times a SRC_URI server is down or a mirror is out of sync
> and we don't call them bugs; we call them crappy servers.

Well, that is the root cause of the problem, or they didn't pay their
hosting bill! But it is better to work around such situations than blame

The point is that I already have the sources in $DISTDIR, but portage
won't use them until it can verify that they are up to date. Since they
work and the server doesn't, I'd say that was a reasonable assumption.

> Now I'm not a Gentoo dev (anymore) but I wouldn't be surprised that if
> you submitted a bug you'd get a WONTFIX or a "patches welcomed"
> response.

I was hoping someone already knew a workaround, otherwise it makes it
impossible to build from source you have already downloaded and verified,
which sounds like a bug to me!

Neil Bothwick

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