On Wednesday 09 July 2008, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> If "the schily makefile system" was under GPL, _then_ there was a
> problem because the GPL limits the freedom to use software. As "the
> schily makefile system" is under the more free CDDL that (in contrary
> to the GPL) does not limit the freedom to use software, there is no
> problem.
> mkisofs/Makefile is a "derived work" from "the schily makefile
> system". The CDDL gives you the freedom to have a derived work under
> a license that is not the CDDL.
> "the schily makefile system" is _definitely_ _not_ a derived work
> from mkisofs/Makefile

As the GPL is a copyleft, and relies on copyright to be enforceable, 
it's prudent to consider what constitutes a derived work, and if a 
claimed derived work is indeed a derived work at all. SCO's claims 
about header files, and the bruha surrounding XFS when first merged 
into mainline are examples of how this can be a gray area.

To my mind Makefiles make most sense when viewed as independent free 
standing works, or possibly as not copyrightable (if they are the only 
possible expression of a desired result). I'm not familiar enough with 
Joerg's build system to have much of a valid opinion, so a few 
technical questions that Joerg (the author) is best positioned to 

1. Are your Makefiles unique and peculiar to your build system, so that 
no other build system could conceivably use them?
2. Briefly, what would be involved to have cdrtools built by a different 
build system?

And a few questions about your intentions for your code:

1. Do you permit users to modify and redistribute the Makefiles?
2. How do you feel about users or distros replacing your build system 
and Makefiles with a different system? Leaving aside their reasons for 
doing this, did you intend with the licensing for them to receive this 
3. Would you be willing to dual-license the build system and/or 
Makefiles as CDDL/GPL? It seems to me you don't lose anything if you 
did this.

Alan McKinnon
alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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