On Sat, 04 Oct 2008 22:17:52 +0200
Andreas Simbuerger wrote:

> On Sat, 2008-10-04 at 22:08 +0200, Justin wrote:
> > Andreas Simbuerger schrieb:
> > > Greetings,
> > >
> > > Is it possible to change the install-directory of ebuilds?
> > > Let's say for example:
> > >
> > > TODIR=/usr/local/lib emerge python
> > >
> > > I tried to find a clue within the Gentoo Documentation and the
> > > Forums but still no idea how to do that.
> > >
> > > -----
> > > As it is my first post to a mailing list, i hope it's not kind of
> > > a dumb question that can be solved by a "RTFM" ;-)
> > > -----
> > >
> > > - Andreas
> > >
> > >
> > >   
> > What really do you want to do? Whats your intention behind?
> I had some trouble during upgrading Python2.4 to Python2.5
> where some ebuilds installed themselves to /usr/local/lib
> depending ebuilds were looking into /usr/lib.
> Whilst having no idea how i messed that one up (aside from accepting
> ~amd64 ebuilds ;-)) i want to correct that by remerging 
> the messed up packages with the correct(?) path.
> In addition i try to solve the problems by doing an
>  emerge -eaD world
> right at the moment
> - Andreas

H'lo Andreas,

Here're some ideas, for whatever they're worth:

Installs to /usr/local/lib sounds like b0rked ebuilds.  I'd try using
equery to find the ebuilds that installed "bad" files.  Then I'd look
for "/usr/local" in those ebuilds and fix them.  Putting the fixed
ebuilds in /usr/local/portage/..., rather than just
changing /usr/portage/..., might be even better.  Lastly, I'd report
the b0rked ebuilds on bugzilla.gentoo.org and would include the fixes
with the reports.

Looking on my system, all that /usr/local/lib is 
which appears to have come from manually installing 
~/Download/doxypy-0.3rc2.tar.gz, i.e. the one such file I have isn't
from an ebuild at all.  Might that be what's happened to you?



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