On Tuesday 28 October 2008 23:19:22 Holger Hoffstaette wrote:
> > It seems like perhaps FETCHCOMMAND is no longer the applicable setting in
> > make.conf...
> It is, but with a twist. Read the wget manpage again, and you'll find:
>   [..] when the output is not a TTY, the "dot" progress will be favored
>        over "bar". [..]

When I read the other poster's reply, my first thought was that this is the 
underlying reason - portage traditionally made extensive use of tee in 
dealing with it's output and who knows what that output get connected to.

But this seems to not be the case:

ps axf of the running emerge, which is a regular pts:

13744 pts/1    SN+    0:12  |   |           
\_ /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/emerge -f mozilla-sunbird
13793 pts/1    SN+    0:02  |   |               
\_ /usr/bin/python -O /usr/lib64/portage/bin/ebuild 
13806 pts/1    SN+    0:00  |   |                   \_ wget -t 
5 --passive-ftp --progress=bar 
 -P /var/distfiles

ps ax of the same wget run from a konsole:

13869 pts/1    S+     0:00 wget -t 5 --passive-ftp --progress=bar 
 -P /var/distfiles

Looks the same to me

> So putting --progress=bar:force into FETCHCOMMAND/RESUMECOMMAND does the
> trick. Maybe this was done for the --jobs option or a change in background
> process logging to a file? No idea but the trick works for me.

Sounds plausible. I can't quite see how it was implemented though

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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