BRM schrieb:
I have a Dell D600 Laptop that I've got Gentoo installed on. It pretty much 
uses Gentoo full-time now. (Yeah!)
I very frequently use the Wireless with it, which works great for the most 
part. However, it seems that the connection drops every once in a while, and 
the system doesn't detect it.
A quick restart of the wlan0 interface (/etc/init.d/net.wlan0 restart) resolves 
the issue.

I was wondering what the normal procedure is for this.

I have WPA Supplicant installed, but it doesn't seem to be managing my wireless 
at all. (Would be great to get it to do so.)

I'd really like to get this working properly. It's the probably the last thing 
to making the system 100% usable 100% of the time, and the only annoyance right 


Could you please provide more info? What kind of WLAN-hardware do you use, maybe Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG or Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN?

What is your current kernel version?

Do you use WPA or WEP encryption on your WLAN?
Is it ad-hoc or infrastructure mode?
How have you configured your network? Can you please provide your /etc/conf.d/net file (please gzip/zip/bzip2 the file before attaching it)? If you ever touched it, please also provide /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf.

If this is all too much fuss for you, you could try using net-misc/networkmanager.

When you notice that your WLAN just lost its connection, take a look at the last few lines of the output of dmesg. If you can't make sense out of it, please send it to the list.

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