"Mark Knecht" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I agree with Neil. It sounds like a router issue. Possibly a DMZ
> setting in the router is the same as the IP of the machine that
> doesn't work correctly so the ping gets to the DMZ and the response is
> sent out to the Internet instead of back inside?

I agree too.

I once had a DMZ setting set up on the router long ago.  The address
was It was an old home machine running openbsd with a pf

Currently no machine on the lan has that address and the DMZ
capability is disabled at the router anyway.  (I just checked again
for about the 10th time.)

> I don't think you stated how the problem box got its address. Is it
> fixed IP or something provided by the router?

They are assigned by hand (by me) so static IPs.

> If the 5 internal machines have consecutive addresses, have you tried
> changing the IP address of the machine that doesn't work to something
> above #5? Maybe disconnect one of the other machines and give the
> problem box that IP address?

No I haven't but I'll try it now... just ifconfigging up a new

  ifconfig eth0 down
  ifconfig eth0  <=was
  route add default gw
  ping ftp.ucsb.edu
  PING ftp.ucsb.edu ( 56(84) bytes of data.
  64 bytes from ftp.ucsb.edu ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=44 time=129 ms
  64 bytes from ftp.ucsb.edu ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=44 time=117 ms

Oh boy, we in the chips now.


I new there would be some simple common sense test I would have
overlooked.  Thanks.

So that proves something is blocking that particular address and that seems almost certainly to be something on the

It must be a setting I cannot find and it must be for icmp only since
I've been able to traceroute or any other kind of connect, right

I could just change that machines address but it would mean changing
all other machines hosts files and such.... not too big a deal I

Might be easier to reset the router to default factory condition and
and then set it up for my needs which wouldn't be much work either.
It has a little hole where you press a pin and reset it.

Is there any chance the blockage is coming from something on that
machine and not the router?

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