Mark David Dumlao wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 9:24 AM, Eric Martin <> wrote:
>> b) just because you don't read all of the threads on this list doesn't
>> mean you're exempt from them.  There are plenty times that somebody asks
>> a question and the answer is, "search the archives for XYZ, we already
>> covered this, and please search before asking".  This is one of those
>> threads
> This isn't one of those threads. In the vast majority of those cases,
> there is at least the item to search for. There wasn't one in this
> case.
>> c) continuing along this line runs the risk of pissing off the very
>> people who you're asking for help.
> Shake up who needs to be shaken up. If people get offended by even
> getting suggested to the fact that their rules are hard to detect,
> they are going to be offended by a lot of things anyway, and questions
> are going to be some of them.
>> I get that you don't like the way things are, but this list is a
>> community and we all agree to abide by certain rules.  The rules don't
>> change every time a new person joins the community.
> I think you're missing the point. I never asked the community to
> change its rules. I'm only saying that these particular rules were
> invisible, and there's no way to find out about it, and that's going
> to be a problem for any user community.
this isn't some big secret, you just don't read all of the threads. 
There are 5,120 results for html+email when searching the gmane archives
of gentoo-user.  The link below is the search I used, sorted by date

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