Willie Wong wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 09:16:05PM -0600, Penguin Lover Dale squawked:
>> This is my two cents.  Since when someone comes here and posts a html
>> message they get told not to use html anyway, why not let them know
>> beforehand that html is not the "norm" on this list?  I don't think it
>> would hurt to put that on the website where the mailing lists subscribe
>> info is and also in the email that confirms the subscription.  I
>> wouldn't mind seeing that part in bold or something in the email to make
>> sure it is seen.  I suspect this would solve a lot of problems in the
>> long run.
> Uh... so how will you put something in "bold" in an e-mail without
> HTML? And if you do use HTML, is it not hypocritical to tell the
> users, in bold nontheless, that they should not? 
> ;p
> W

Well, just do this.  *list netiquette*  If I recall correctly, if the
person is set up to get html, that will be in bold.  If it is text only
then they just see the *'s.  I have noticed in the past that mine has
done this so I guess some other clients would too.  Maybe I am just
unique.  ;-) 

Sweet huh?  lol  I'm sure there are other ways to do this to tho.  More
than one way to skin a cat in this situation.  All the gurus around here
should be able to come up with something.


:-)  :-) 

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