On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 7:47 PM, Mark David Dumlao <madum...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 7:18 AM, Stroller
> <strol...@stellar.eclipse.co.uk> wrote:
>> You are not stupid. I think your use of English is excellent, you just have
>> to decide upon how you wish to present yourself.
> Stroller, all I can say is that you are reading too much into my posts
> and trying to second-guess my intentions. Yes I did express some
> sentiments of frustration - I made that quite plain, I gave the reason
> why, I described what probably caused it, substantiated that there is
> something that could be done about it, and even was the one that took
> action on it. True, I expressed some shock when the answers weren't as
> polite as I imagined, and yes, I did actively respond to any specific
> dismissives of what I thought was the problem.
> But no, I did not address the "community at large" in some sort of
> "you owe me" attitude. You've already noted that any nuances in my
> posts are subtle at best, and it would be fine for you to take your
> own advice and not assume like a problem exists before you should.
> I just think you're projecting your previous frustrations at people
> who are asking for apologies into my posts. Everyone has their bad
> day. But I think it's misguided. For one, I just described above that
> there aren't any. For two, I really do write like that, almost all the
> time, and I think many other people do, and I think it would be a much
> finer world if we all wrote as civil as we could despite any feelings
> about the situation.
> If you're that emotionally invested in getting offended by my style,
> then have a nice day. You're not solving anything. Sounds funny coming
> from me, but you should probably just ignore the posts then.

After reading through this whole thread... it occurs to me that

A) Not enough people took Alan McKinnon's last post on the thread to heart.
B) People seem to forget that every single line of text on the
Internet will inevitably be read as though it's laden with feeling
(usually both the level of *and* the actual feeling involved are
misinterpreted anyhow).
C) Writing in a highly detached manner, due to B, will come out to
make the writer sound like a pretentious dick.
D) (a more direct response to the quoted post) Some people, failing
writing in a purely detached manner, write (intentionally or not) in a
manner that fails to include themselves, yet still includes the
reader... second paragraph is one hell of an example of /exactly/ what
Stroller was mentioning, and yet it was still posted without a second
E) People never do seem to get bored of feeding the trolls.
F) Half the readers of this thread will assume E is a direct statement
at them, yet I don't recall assigning 'People' in it, let alone 'the
trolls', to any individual parties.
G) I sometimes get carried away with lists.

... and 'People' in _B_ Applies to both those presenting those lines
of text *and* those reading them. Case in point, am I fumingly angry
or laughing hysterically as I post this?**

Poison [BLX]
Joshua M. Murphy

** p.s.: neither, I'm calmly drinking a Mt. Dew. ... I *may* have
smirked as I wrote G.

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