Norberto Bensa wrote:
Quoting Nikos Chantziaras <>:

It got worse with kernel 2.6.28, btw, especially mouse cursor movement.
 It gets stuck and skips very noticeably.  Fortunately, it's not a
point yet where I would describe it as unusable, but if the trend
continues, desktop will be totally unusable by 2.6.31/32 when doing
something that produces load.

Oh pleeeaase...

You have a broken system. Don't blame Linux for that.

Could be.  But you don't know for sure :P

$ uname -a
Linux venkman 2.6.28-gentoo #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Dec 25 16:48:22 ARST 2008 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

I'm currently compiling gcc-4.3.2-r2, I have no cursor lagging, stuck, or whatever. Everything is normal. Like if I were not compiling at all.

I've just emerged glibc (with -j2). It's especially noticeable with it. Some source files, especially at the beginning of the build, are very short and result in a lot processes getting spawned and terminated very fast, along with files rapidly created on disk. Can you give glibc a test?

I've checked my config and can't find anything wrong. I have tickless, preempt, 1000Hz, -O2, CFQ. The kernel is stripped off of everything not needed.

Maybe it's due to fglrx?  (ATI Catalyst driver.)

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