On Thu, 1 Jan 2009 16:39:53 -0600, »Q« wrote:

> > > I guess I'm in the camp that thinks the administrator should know
> > > what modules are needed for the hardware, and portage should keep
> > > working as it does now.    
> > 
> > Then why the test and warning?  
> I haven't advocated a test and warning.  But why not?

That's the point of this thread, the ebuild does perform a test before
installation, but goes ahead straight after the warning. Unless you are
watching the screen at that exact moment, you won't know your system was
broken until you read the post-emerge messages - and they won't appear in
the terminal if a subsequent, unconnected, emerge fails. While it's
better than no warning at all, it's completely arse-about-face.

Neil Bothwick

Talk is cheap because supply exceeds demand.

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