On Fri, Jan 02, 2009 at 09:23:45PM -0600, Penguin Lover Dale squawked:
> I'm not sure how this will appear as far as threading.  Gmail doesn't
> send me a copy of my own emails so I can't reply to myself.
> I found the solution to the previous problem.  I didn't have acm
> compiled in my kernel so it was seeing it as a external hard drive
> instead of a phone.  Moto4lin now connects after pointing it to the
> right device.
> I got the mp3s uploaded but it seems I have to open each one and tell it
> to apply as ring tone. Is there a easier way to do this?  Maybe from
> within moto4lin or the phone itself?

Hey! Your success story got me looking at moto4lin and my KRZR K1m
again. I managed to get a little further this time due to your comment
above. Instead of using the cdc-acm driver, the K1m seems to want the
moto-modem driver that I found under usbserial. 

Comparing to before, now at least I get a modem device created. I'm
now compiling moto4lin to see if I can get it to work. 

Thanks for the cue. 

This is not an optical illusion.
It just looks like one.
Sortir en Pantoufles: up 758 days,  1:09

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