On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 10:57 PM,  <zhangwe...@realss.com> wrote:
>  I always wonder if I can run firefox multi-process instead of
> multi-threads. I hate to see the browser hang trying to open a huge
> webpage (>10MB) and that's frequent case in China.
> Usually at such case I have to lanuch a different browser  (e.g.
> epiphany) in order to keep browsing during loading  the big page in Fx.
> And I think, if fx is itself multi-processed, then each tab  or window I
> open is a process, then it is pretty much alike that I open eiphany when
> firefox is busy. It should work better.
> If this is not possible just with a USE flag, is there a browser that
> works in Gentoo and is designed to be mult-process?
> I only know safari is multi-process (per window) but it doesn't work on
> Gentoo.
> --
> Real Softservice
> Huateng Tower, Unit 1788
> Jia 302 3rd area of Jinsong, Chao Yang
> Tel: +86 (10) 8773 0650 ext 603
> Mobile: 159 1111 7382
> http://www.realss.com

Google Chrome's another that has this wonderful feature... and doesn't
run on Linux (yet).

Poison [BLX]
Joshua M. Murphy

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