Philip Webb schrieb:
> 090215 wrote:
>> Can I run firefox multi-process instead of multi-threads.
>> I hate to see the browser hang trying to open a huge webpage ( > 10 MB )
> A work-around is to download the file with Wget or Lynx,
> then open the result with Firefox after it has all arrived.

Yes, but then you already know the page is >10MB, right? Usually such
devil come as a surprise when you click open a google search result.

I don't know if in China network is specially boardband otherwise how to
explain the forums dare to allow dozens of hi-res photo posted in-line
of messages and web designers dare to design websites with a front page
of more than 3MB (e.g. our local tax office website contain huge picture
and flash on the front-page with several hundreds of links on it).

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