
Andrei Hanganu wrote:
> helo group,
> i've been trying the past 2-3 years to find the most usable and nice ide
> for c/c++ code writing. I've been through vim/vim + plugins/emacs +
> different modes/anjuta/kdevelop/codeblocks/eclipse/netbeans ... every
> single one of them has at least one drawback.

I'm thinking the more I get to know Vim and the available plugins, the
more it becomes like an IDE to me. I guess the same is true for Emacs.

My advice would be to take on of those or any other open IDE and learn
and extend them to the point that it's perfect for you.

Now for your feature requirements list I'm going to concentrate on Vim
and Emacs as those two are the ones I know.

> In short words, i am looking for an ide that can do this:
> - syntax highlighting
> - concurrent editing of multiple files (splitting)
> - tabs or buffer list
> - file browser
> - regex search/replace

Both Vim and Emacs can do these basic features.
Vim even provides a mechanism for saving and restoring editing sessions.

> - autocomplete (on the fly, not on demand, and maybe smart? - identify
> structures/classes )

Haven't tried it yet, but for Vim word_complete.vim[1] seems to be what
you're looking for. You should also have a look at Omnicompletion.

As Emacs has hooks for nearly everything it should be doable with it as

> - project manager

Don't know about that but it would be nice to have simpler project
specific settings for Emacs/Vim.

> - symbol list/browser current editing buffer

That's pretty much ctags/etags, maybe cscope.

> - flexible build options that include scons, not just makefile

You can put the following in ~/.vimrc:
autocmd BufEnter ~/path/to/project/* set makeprg=scons

> - code folding (with detection of blocks)

Vim does it[2]; Emacs seems to have some kind of FoldingMode according
to Google.

> - lightweight/ergonomic interface (i dislike space being occupied by the
> bar that displays the line numbers, with a padding of 10px for example)

Both of them are very customisable in this regard.

> i don't desire gdb or valgrind integration, but would be a +

Emacs features gdb integration and there's Clewn[3] for GVim.
As for me, I'm rather using a separate screen[4] window in the same session.


[1] http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=73
[2] http://www.linux.com/articles/114138
[3] http://clewn.sourceforge.net/
[4] http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/

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