On Tue, 17 Feb 2009 16:05:08 +0000
Andrei Hanganu wrote:

> helo group,
> i've been trying the past 2-3 years to find the most usable and nice
> ide for c/c++ code writing. I've been through vim/vim + plugins/emacs
> + different modes/anjuta/kdevelop/codeblocks/eclipse/netbeans ...
> every single one of them has at least one drawback.
> In short words, i am looking for an ide that can do this:
> - syntax highlighting
> - autocomplete (on the fly, not on demand, and maybe smart? - identify
> structures/classes )
> - concurrent editing of multiple files (splitting)
> - tabs or buffer list
> - file browser
> - project manager
> - symbol list/browser current editing buffer
> - regex search/replace
> - flexible build options that include scons, not just makefile
> - code folding (with detection of blocks)
> - lightweight/ergonomic interface (i dislike space being occupied by
> the bar that displays the line numbers, with a padding of 10px for
> example)
> i don't desire gdb or valgrind integration, but would be a +
> does anyone know the answer to this ultimate question? I keep
> comparing different editors with the microsoft's visual studio, that
> is not by far as powerful as emacs but it just plain and simple does
> the job. They will reach a milestone when the brackets matching will
> actually work, but despite small inconveniences, i find it to be very
> close to what i am looking for.
> kdevelop also seemed very close to what i wanted, but somehow the
> fonts or the dpi make it very "crowded", i get very little space for
> the code. On the other hand netbeans is a good example of how the
> interface should be arranged, but java driven ide tends to stop being
> able to respond in tolerable time.
> i am on the edge of despair, and i am willing to try even a commercial
> solution.
> Anyone had some very positive experience with a specific ide?
> thanks,
> Andrei

I've heard some good things about komodo, though it's not open
source and I've not used it.


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