Andreas Niederl wrote:
> Hi,
> Andrei Hanganu wrote:
>> helo group,
>> i've been trying the past 2-3 years to find the most usable and nice ide
>> for c/c++ code writing. I've been through vim/vim + plugins/emacs +
>> different modes/anjuta/kdevelop/codeblocks/eclipse/netbeans ... every
>> single one of them has at least one drawback.
> I'm thinking the more I get to know Vim and the available plugins, the
> more it becomes like an IDE to me. I guess the same is true for Emacs.
> My advice would be to take on of those or any other open IDE and learn
> and extend them to the point that it's perfect for you.
> Now for your feature requirements list I'm going to concentrate on Vim
> and Emacs as those two are the ones I know.
>> In short words, i am looking for an ide that can do this:
>> - syntax highlighting
>> - concurrent editing of multiple files (splitting)
>> - tabs or buffer list
>> - file browser
>> - regex search/replace
> Both Vim and Emacs can do these basic features.
> Vim even provides a mechanism for saving and restoring editing sessions.
>> - autocomplete (on the fly, not on demand, and maybe smart? - identify
>> structures/classes )
> Haven't tried it yet, but for Vim word_complete.vim[1] seems to be what
> you're looking for. You should also have a look at Omnicompletion.
> As Emacs has hooks for nearly everything it should be doable with it as
> well.
>> - project manager
> Don't know about that but it would be nice to have simpler project
> specific settings for Emacs/Vim.
>> - symbol list/browser current editing buffer
> That's pretty much ctags/etags, maybe cscope.
>> - flexible build options that include scons, not just makefile
> You can put the following in ~/.vimrc:
> autocmd BufEnter ~/path/to/project/* set makeprg=scons
>> - code folding (with detection of blocks)
> Vim does it[2]; Emacs seems to have some kind of FoldingMode according
> to Google.
>> - lightweight/ergonomic interface (i dislike space being occupied by the
>> bar that displays the line numbers, with a padding of 10px for example)
> Both of them are very customisable in this regard.
>> i don't desire gdb or valgrind integration, but would be a +
> Emacs features gdb integration and there's Clewn[3] for GVim.
> As for me, I'm rather using a separate screen[4] window in the same session.
> Regards,
> Andi
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]

your suggestions are perfectly valid, but both vim and emacs suffer from
the same problem: inconsistency. A very varying group of people writes
these plugins, and if i could get 5 plugins to work correctly i would
reach what i am looking for. Unfortunately, one breaks down other two,
or vice versa. In emacs, which i think i've given the most time, i'm
using right now some panels that bring me the bufferlist, and a
filesystem browser, but they screw up the splitting of windows when the
bottom panel is displayed and the editor word wrap stops working when
browser is displayed. That's just a small description of the general
feeling, these plugins are great, but they usually work great when used
alone, or just one major plugin enabled.

i've checked out open/komodo, the main issue is that it is an ide
designed for web developing, not c compilation as far as i could see.

right now, codeblocks seems to be most functional, and i know they are
working on making split windows function better. I've also switched on
kde4 and latest kate (implies also new kdevelop) has a very interesting
functionality "vim like input mode", which seems rather unnatural at
first, but i think it has a lot of potential. I've given some time to
yziss too, but as far as i can see the project has been paused. I like
very much the ideea of an IDE on top of a native VIM editor, and i'm
considering expanding gvim.


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