Paul Hartman wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 2:32 PM, Dale <> wrote:
>> Michael Sullivan wrote:
>>> I did originally, but as I had to send it three different times and my
>>> message body wouldn't copy and paste correctly, I guess one went through
>>> that didn't have a subject line.  It would help if gmail would show me
>>> the mails that I send in to mailing lists...
>> I use Gamil to and I don't get copies of my replies either.  I keep mine
>> local so I just hit send then copy it over to the inbox so it makes sense.
>> I may end up switching to Yahoo or something.  Between this issue and
>> the spam filter, I'm about done with gmail.  I like a lot of things but
>> those are two that get on my nerves.
> My sent mail shows up fine on gmail. What's the problem you're having
> with the spam filter? It seems to be one of the best in my experience.

I sort of covered this a while ago but in a nutshell, when I send a
email to this list, I don't get a copy back.  I have a copy in my sent
box but not a copy that comes back from the list.  I view this list
threaded so it can confuse me if I forget to copy a message back. 
Someone could reply to my message and me not even know it was me they
responded too.

On the spam thing, I use POP access so I don't want any spam filtering. 
I do that on my end plus I used to get a LOT of false positives.  Right
now, I check via web mail and tell it NONE of what it thinks is spam is
actually spam.  It may mess up their filters but it is starting to send
them to me so it is working a little at least.

I'm sleepy so I hope this makes sense.  o_-  One eye half open.


:-)  :-) 

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