On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 6:33 PM, Michael Sullivan <msulli1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-03-25 at 16:56 -0500, Paul Hartman wrote:
>> gOn Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 4:01 PM, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > I sort of covered this a while ago but in a nutshell, when I send a
>> > email to this list, I don't get a copy back.  I have a copy in my sent
>> > box but not a copy that comes back from the list.  I view this list
>> > threaded so it can confuse me if I forget to copy a message back.
>> > Someone could reply to my message and me not even know it was me they
>> > responded too.
>> I know of two 100% sure ways to do this, and one possible way.
>> 1. Use the web-based interface. My sent emails on this list show up in
>> the thread where they belong. I know, I know. :)
>> 2. Use IMAP and utilize gmail's labels. For instance, I have a filter
>> set up to apply the "gentoo" label to anything on this list and skip
>> the inbox. In Thunderbird, the "gentoo" label shows up as a folder
>> under my gmail account. All new messages from the list show up there,
>> and my sent mail does as well. When I click that folder in
>> Thunderbird, I can see the threaded view of all messages on this list
>> -- including my own.
>> 3. If IMAP is not an option and you must use POP, perhaps you can set
>> up a filter on gmail to move your sent mail to the inbox, or set up
>> your e-mail client to BCC yourself on every sent message.
>> > On the spam thing, I use POP access so I don't want any spam filtering.
>> > I do that on my end plus I used to get a LOT of false positives.  Right
>> > now, I check via web mail and tell it NONE of what it thinks is spam is
>> > actually spam.  It may mess up their filters but it is starting to send
>> > them to me so it is working a little at least.
>> You can disable spam filtering. Set up a filter to catch all of your
>> e-mail and use the "Never send it to Spam" option. I am on mailing
>> lists that deal with spam and phishing, probably the majority of the
>> messages would go to spam without that feature. On the web interface,
>> it even puts a little note next to the message that says something to
>> the effect of "Gmail thinks this is spam, but because of your filter
>> we've allowed it anyway".
>> Good luck :)
>> Paul
> My problem is that I'm never sure if my emails actually get to the list.
> If I send a question in and don't get it back, and nobody responds to
> it, what else am I supposed to assume, except that my original post got
> lost somewhere on the Internet...

Since I've been on this list, I see two non-reply messages from you
that went unanswered (both in the past week).

10 of the top 20 contributors to this list are using gmail so I think
it's reasonable to assume your messages are getting through and
unfortunately nobody knew how to help (which is frustrating).

Is the problem that the list server doesn't send copies of your
messages back to you, or is gmail hiding it somehow? I guess if the
message-ID is the same, gmail would know the one in your sent mail is
the same as the one it is receiving, so it'll consolidate it. If
that's the case, maybe you would actually want to DELETE your sent
mail to this list, that way when the list sends it back to you it'll
be new again. I'm not sure if that would work. (This is assuming the
list sends your own messages back to you)

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