Jacques Montier wrote:
> Dale a gentiment tapote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I'm not near as "upset" as I was a little while ago.  I ran my updates
>> and then took a nap while it was compiling.  I woke up and they were
>> done.  Did my etc-update and went to log into KDE.  No keyboard.  No
>> mouse.  No nothing.  I knew the new xorg-server update was going to make
>> me change a few things but I thought I would be ABLE to change the
>> thing.  I had to unplug the computer then add softlevel=boot to get to
>> where I could even fix the stupid thing.
>> I'm back down to my old xorg-server-1.3* but now my mouse wheel don't
>> work.  Did this thing blow up my rat?  How do i get my mouse wheel to
>> work again?
>> While I was trying to recover and reading, it appears I have to update
>> my kernel for this thing to work.  Something I can't do because the
>> latest greatest kernel don't like my rig for some reason.  I posted it
>> on here somewhere a while back.  Something to the effect that it is
>> pissed at my IDE chipset.  Looks like the new xorg-server is going to be
>> masked for a while.
>> I may have a few more questions before this mess is over.  Right now,
>> I'm going to go eat some ice cubes.
>> Dale
>> :-)  :-) 
> Hi all,
> Did you select the kernel option :
> Device Drivers -> Input Device Support -> *  Event interface ?
> --
> Jacques

Nope.  I saw that message AFTER the upgrade.  Great timing on that
message.  I was in console trying to get it so my keyboard would work
again and read that.

I think I mentioned that my kernel has a little age on it.  The latest
kernel doesn't like my IDE chipset so it wouldn't boot and then there
were other issues too.

I'll get my hammer out and beat on this in a day or so.  I'm just
frustrated at the moment.  I think this needed a little more ironing out
before going stable but maybe it is just me.


:_)  :-) 

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