about the *mandatory* it was a bad expression, I  should have said :
'make two new daemons mandatory IF you want to follow the modern-move' :)
Of course the 'hal' useflag is such a gentoo nice thing !

I did the xorg+hal switch, but I forgot that hald make use of dbus
(I would dreamed about Xorg only asking hal advises once at boot instead having 
fluxbox honoured by 2 more daemons) anyway, I moved away the xorg.conf and
all works fine now ... except my fonts.
(can I fully get rid of this xorg.conf "Files Section" by putting
the-right-thing in my ~/.xinitrc ? which means how to globally *register*
new fonts for the server by a client)

After some trace :
- /usr/sbin/hald just makes a tiny poll each 15 seconds.
- hald-addon-storage polls my dvd drive each 2 seconds (I should change
that... or remove it (even if that's still less than a simple ipager))
- dbus seems quiet (blessed)
- hald-addon-input is far more expensive : reacts to each key pressed
  but not to the mouse moves.
  I don't know if it's a kind of wrapper for evdev or if it polls the
  /dev/input/event ... uselessly
But, I'll gave those daemons a chance for the moment.

Thank for your influence all


On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 08:34:00PM -0400, Mike Edenfield wrote:
> gibbo...@gmail.com wrote:
>> 1) I don't want hal, one more daemon running only to... spot /dev/input/*,
>> from what I understand xf86-input-* does this pretty well. I won't
>> unplug my mouse and so want to keep my xorg simple conf.
> Hal does a lot more than just monitor /dev/input for you. It's a 
> framework for providing consolidated and consistent access to *all* 
> hardware information on your system. Gnome's automounting, for example, 
> relies on hal to let it know when a new device was plugged in, what mount 
> point its on, what type of device it is, etc.  The vendor database of  
> FDI files includes information about everything from batteries to power 
> management to keyboards to rf kill switches.
> And really, how much simpler an xorg.conf can you get than by deleting 
> 2/3 of it?
>> 2) Anyway, I tried to make use of evdev instead of the *deprecated*
>> mouse and kbd drivers but...
>> 3) evdev without hal replaced well my mouse driver (for the moment I
>> just replaced /dev/input/mice by /dev/input/event2 in the mouse section)
>> 4) for the keyboard it's far less simple : if I switch to evdev, I
>> cannot define the Xkb{Variant,Model,..} in xorg.conf so :
>> stuck with the 'kbd' driver.
> There's nothing wrong with continuing to use the old drivers.  Nothing 
> about hal requires you to switch to evdev... and nothing about evdev 
> requires to you use hal :)
> The various non-Linux OS's supported by Xorg won't even have the proper 
> kernel support for evdev, so the "old" keyboard and mouse drivers will 
> probably be around for a long time. They are only "deprecated" in the 
> sense that the Linux generic input layer exists at all.
>> I believed gentoo users would be more sceptic when it comes to make a
>> new daemon mandatory ;)
> Well,  it's clearly not *mandatory* because you can just turn it off with 
> -hal :)
> Having said that, hal is exactly the kind of thing I would expect Gentoo 
> users to flock to: its powerful, flexible, extensible, configurable, and 
> it's the new cutting-edge stuff from the upstream vendors.  Before it 
> went offline, the Gentoo wiki was easily the most informative place on 
> the web to find information about hal.  I would have predicted hal going 
> mainsteam on Gentoo years ahead of Red Hat or Debian.
> Also, just for the record, hal isn't by any stretch of the imagination a 
> "new" daemon.  Its been a USE option for Gentoo's gnome-vfs package since 
> Gnome 2.8, in 2004.
>> (Any advice to use evdev, define a keyboard layout,model,variant without
>> having to install hal and its <con<fi<gu>r>ation>files and daemon ?)
> Unless you have a general aversion to using XML for anything (which I 
> understand, if tend to disagree with), the FDI syntax is pretty 
> straightfoward.  That's even without the abundance of sample code that 
> ships with hal.  You basically need to know two tags: match and merge.  
> In this case:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
> <deviceinfo>
>   <device>
>     <match key="info.capabilities" contains="input.keys">
>       <merge key="input.x11_driver" type="string">keyboard</merge>
>     </match>
>   </device>
> </deviceinfo>
> goes into /etc/hal/fdi/policy/keyboard_driver_ftw.fdi and restart hal.  
> Since hal lets you "merge" arbitrary keys to its database, Xorg will also 
> look for any input.x11_options.foo keys, replacing everything that went  
> into xorg.conf.
> ---Mike

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