Sensible?  What's that?

I think if my use has been beyond sensible, it's mainly in one or two areas:
I keep alot of software installed; and I keep up to date on a number of
programs (this is an area where I may need to redefine "sensible" from my
own perspective).

I keep this box set up for a wide variety of task, in the spirit of the
concept of a General Purpose Computer.  For example:

  - Writing
  - Editing videos
  - Once in a long while, writing a little program
  - math calculations sometimes large
  - spreadsheet (Open Office)
  - graphing
  - editing graphics
  - note taking
  - teaching responsibilities
  - printing
  - graphics editing/conversions
  - Repositories of digital content (personal): video, music, graphics
  - Sometimes media player (sometimes I have used mythtv)
  - LaTeXing (user level)
  - Internet browsing and research
  - archiving literature
  - scanning

Alot of the software I have round is kept as an exercize in capacity
builiding and maintainace in these and other areas.  I am a science
teacher---it sometimes seems like one of the few who is not using
Windoze---and I have a hand on some research and keep on top of the current
state in my field.  I have been called an eclectic.

Often have gnome (sometimes an overlay) and kde 4.X, as well as fluxbox and
perhaps a couple of other window managers.  I like to keep enlightenment17
around, as it has a small footprint.

I try to keep up to date, but I am not a computer scientist, so I often will
tolerate some sloppiness in the system, and may overlook maintainance.

Alan Davis

"...can the human soul be glimpsed through a microscope? Maybe, but you'd
definitely need one of those very good ones with two eyepieces."

   -- Woody Allen, quoted by B. A. Palevitz

On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 12:26 AM, Philip Webb <> wrote:

> 090626 Alan E. Davis sought:
> > advice about converting a nominally successful Sabayon install to Gentoo.
> -- details snipped --
> so what's your hardware & what do you use your machine for ?
> Gentoo is not for everyone, but it's not difficult to install or maintain:
> your experiences don't sound typical of a sensible user (smile).
> --
> ========================,,============================================
> SUPPORT     ___________//___,   Philip Webb
> ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|   Cities Centre, University of Toronto
> TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'   purslowatchassdotutorontodotca

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