On Thu, 9 Jul 2009 15:54:14 -0600, Maxim Wexler wrote:

> > Press Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get to the first VC then press Alt-SysRq S. It
> > should report "Emergency sync".  
> None of these maneuvers have any effect whatever. Except getting to
> the first console.  Least that I can see.

Do you have CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ enabled in your kernel?

> BTW, when I try getting back to the X console, it's blank. Is this an
> Xfce4 thing? I remember sysrescuecd which also uses Xfce4 had the same
> bug/feature. I have to ctrl-c on the first console to get back to the
> prompt so I can restart X.

Ctrl-C, my console isn't even logged in. so Ctrl-C won't do anything.
Alt-F7 takes me back to KDE.

> FWIW  Prt Sc and Sys Rq are separate keys on this unit. They share
> space with Ins and Del, respectively. Prt Sc and Sys Rq are printed in
> blue and, I assume. are part of the 'fn' system.

Yes, and both work s magic SysRq keys on my Eee.

Neil Bothwick

Gravity isn't easy, but it's the law.

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