On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 5:48 PM, Dale<rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Arttu V. wrote:
>> On 9/7/09, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> OK.  It finished recompiling boost and Scribus.  Both hearts and
>>> mp3splt-gtk still fail with the same error as before.
>>> Any ideas?
>> Ok, let's first take back the "hearts compiles on amd64". It compiled.
>> Once. On the absolutely-minimal, stable-only amd64 chroot I use when
>> testing weird things (and then immediately roll back with emerge
>> --depclean).
>> On x86 and "more usable" amd64 desktop setup I get a similar error as
>> you did. And I wouldn't be surprised if it is bug #273560 -- which
>> will need a patch.
>> mp3splt-gtk, however, compiles fine on two desktop amd64 setups. I
>> cannot test it on x86 right now, hopefully tomorrow I'll again
>> remember to reboot to 32-bits and try some more. Maybe even get
>> something done for the hearts, if the hints in the bug report are
>> sufficient for fixing it.
> Yea, hearts is already installed but if I needed to reinstall for some
> reason, I would be in a mess.  I just hope they will fix it since it is
> KDE 3.
> I could send mp3splt-gtk to the dustbin for a while, I guess.  Just hope
> no one else needs it.  ;-)

I'm using without problems: media-sound/mp3splt-gtk-0.5.6 with
USE="nls -audacious -gstreamer"

Can't help you with hearts because I'm not going to emerge kdelibs-3
to try that :) it looks like something Qt-related, though.

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